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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Let’s Water Our Outside Friends Today

thCAM5MCOG During this heat wave it is easy to forget about our fine feathered friends, but let’s not. As I was watering my vegetables and flowers I remembered to fill my bird bath for our little feathered friends. How about you??? Do you have a bird bath that you forgot about? Let’s fill them up today so they too can have a way to escape the heat.


thCAM3J26H While I am thinking of it as well, let’s take it one step further and put out a water bowl for all the little critters. Whether they are your stray cats or you little bunnies and squirrels. I bet they too would love to have water in this heat. 


  1. We love our outdoor friends! My daughter and I make it a habit to feed the birds at our apartment building. We have some resident sparrows that count on our bird food! I have been looking at cute bowls to put out as bird baths, because we have to be selective at what stays on our porch. We do have lots of stray cats in our area.

    1. It is so nice to hear others love their outside friends too. I am glad to hear you too are caring for them as well. We love to watch our outside creatures. I always count it a blessing when a feathered friend stops by or a visit. Have a great day!!!

  2. I have tried to have a humming bird feeder in my yard, but it didn't work. Abbey (our border collie) jumped up and would somehow drink the sweet mix for the birds. I know don't ask how she did it, she always waited until we were gone (the neighbors told us about it). ha ha


Please feel free to leave me a comment. I am looking forward to what you think.
Have a blessed day!