April is the Month of the Military Child, so I am honoring my "Duck" today for all that she endures in being a Military Child. We are both very proud of who you are and what you are becoming as a result of the military life we live.

You have made many of a sacrifice of your own in the time you give up willingly and not so willingly :) for your dad being in the Army. This is a difficult lifestyle and the sacrifices and the tears you have shed as a Military Child doesn't go unnoticed.

The countless hours you spend every drill working with me in the FRG makes me ever so Proud of you! It takes a "Special Child" to live such a difficult lifestyle and you do it with such grace, honor, and pride. For this I want to express my sincere and loving thank you and in walking this journey with us; your Mom and Dad.
We Love You, Duck and are "Very Proud" of you!!!!
That is so sweet. Military kids go through so manyt trials with the moves and the missing time with their parents. They should be honored!