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Friday, May 6, 2016

God Remains Faithful To See Us Through Our Trials

Do you ever find yourself in a position of fearfulness or concern over important decisions you need to make whether they are about finances, motherhood, medical issues, education, or just life?

I find myself here on a regular basis. I am not proud of this as I know fear does not come from God, but from our enemy, but unfortunately the real me has to acknowledge this not so nice side of myself. 

I have not blogged regularly for a number of years as we have experienced hardships on a multitude of levels since 2012. 

I know time and time again God has proven His faithfulness over and over again, but for every crisis that arises, I find myself in a sense of doubt, concern, and even fearfulness. 

I am back here again, in that ugly place of doubt, concern, and even fear.

I am in that place of not knowing if I am supposed to get a job to help out my husband's struggling income or am I to stay the course and finish our last year in high school?

How funny is it as I write these very words that my answer rings so clearly?

I know the answer is to stay the course and finish our homeschool journey.

It isn't like we aren't almost done.

We just need one more year and my life will take a natural course change anyway as Kiddo will move on with her adult life without me, as this is what I have raised her to do. 

The enemy has the way of making his way into our lives and cause chaos with our natural fears in life.

He knows where my anxieties are and has caused so much havoc in my thoughts and my mind that I am struggling to remain faithful to my God who knows me better than I know myself.

So to make a very long story short, as I was strolling through Pinterest tonight I kept seeing pins about trusting God with your problems and your circumstances and stand firm on His promises to see you through to the end.

He loves us unconditionally and knows the plans He has for us since he created us for His purpose to begin with. 

My encouragement to you if you are in a similar situation, remember God promises to remain faithful to meet our every need as it arises.

Trust Him with your every thought, concern, and even fear. 

He is already ahead of us as He knows the outcome, so if He knows the outcome why should we fret over our own situations. Turn those fears and concerns over to God and rest in peace this evening. 

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